283. DE THOU. See THUANUS. DETTINGEN, Battle of, iv. 12. DEVAYNES, Mr., iv. 273. De veritate Religionis, i. 68, n. 3. DEVILS do not lie to each other, iii. 293; their influence upon our minds, iv. 290. DEVONPORT, i. 379, n. 1. DEVONSHIRE, Johnson's trip to, i. 37l, n. 3, 377; iii. 457; militia, its, i. 36, n. 4, 307, n. 4. DEVONSHIRE, third Duke of, faithful to his word, iii. 186; dogged veracity, iii. 378. DEVONSHIRE, fourth Duke of, ii. 78, n. 1. DEVONSHIRE, fifth Duke and Duchess of, hospitality to Johnson, iv. 357, 367; mentioned, iv. 126. DEVONSHIRE, seventh Duke of, 'public dinners at Chatsworth,' iv. 367, n. 3. DEVONSHIRE, Georgiana, Duchess of, Genius made feminine to compliment her, iii. 374; Johnson, eager to hear, iii. 425, n. 4; painted in the same picture with him, iv. 224, n. 1. DEVONSHIRE FAMILY, ii. 474. DEVOTION, abstracted, ii. 10; particular places for, iv. 226. Devotional Exercises. See PRAYERS. DEVOTIONAL POETRY. See POETRY. DE WITT, i. 32. DEXTERITY, deserves applause, iii. 231. Diabolus Regis, iii. 78. DIAL, i. 205. Dialogues of the Dead, ii. 447. DIAMOND, ----, an apothecary, i. 242; iii. 454. Diary, The, iv. 381, n. 1. Diary of a Visit to England in 1775, ii. 338, n. 2. DIBDEN, Charles, ii. 110. DICEY, Professor, Law of the Constitution, iii. 46, n. 5; iv. 317, n. 1. DICK, Sir Alexander, gold medal for rhubarb, iv. 263, n. 1; hospitality, his, iv. 204; Johnson consults him about his health, iv. 261-3; letter to, iii. 102, 128; meets, v. 48, 394, 401. DICK, ----, a messenger, v. 201. 'DICK WORMWOOD,' ii. 407, n. 5. DICKENS, Charles, iv. 202, n. 1. DICTIONARY, might be compiled from Bacon, iii. 194; from Elizabethan authors, iii. 194, n. 2; 'perfection' of one, i. 292, n. 2; pronunciation, of, ii. 161; Scotland, of words peculiar to, ii. 91; watches, like, i. 293, n. 3. Dictionary, Johnson's, account of it, i. 182-9, 256-266, 291-301; Abridgement, i. 264, n. 4, 300, n. 1, 303, n. 1. 305; in Lord Scarsdale's dressing-room, iii. 161; accents of words, ii. 161; authors quoted, i. 189; iv. 4, 416, n. 2; Bacon often quoted, iii. 194; Birch, Dr., on it, i. 285; bound and lettered, i. 283; commencement, date of its, i. 182, n. 3; composition, its, i. 186-9; deficiency of previous, i. 187, n. 1; definitions, erroneous, i. 293; definitions, Johnson's genius shown in them, i. 293; instances of erroneous, i. 293; political and capricious, i. 294-6; iii. 343; iv. 87, n. 2, 217: See under separate words; dictionary-makers described, i. 189, n. 2; dictionary-making not very unpleasant, i. 189, n. 2; ii. 202, n. 2, 203, n. 3; 'muddling work,' ib.; Dodsley's suggestion, i. 182, 286; iii. 405; drudgery, v. 418; etymologies, i. 186, 292; explanation, difficulty of, i. 294, n. 2; edition, fourth, preparing, ii. 142,143, n. 3, 155; sent to press, ii. 202, n. 2, 209; published, ii. 203, 205; mentioned, i. 293, n. 2, 294, n. 7, 295, n. 1, 375, n. 2; iv. 4, n. 3, 87, n. 2; Garrick's Epigram, i. 300; Gifford's Contemplation quoted, v. 117, n. 4; Gough Square, compiled in, i. 188; Harris,Hermes, praised by, iii. 115; honours and praises, i. 298, 323; Johnson's portrait, iv. 421, n. 2; Johnson's praise of its execution, iii. 405; Manning, the compositor, iv. 321; outlines sketched, its, i. 176; particles, changes of the, ii. 45, n. 3; patrons and opponents, i. 288; payments, i. 183, 287, 304; Plan, dedicated to Lord Chesterfield, i. 183; draft of it, i. 185, n. 2; not noticed in Gent. Mag. i. 176, n. 2; published, i. 182; poetry, harder to write than, v. 47; Preface, i. 291-9; pronunciation, ii. 161, n. 1; published, i. 288, 291; publishers, i. 183; Sheridan's, R. B., compliment to it, iii. 115; Smith, Adam, reviewed by, i. 298, n. 2; time taken in writing, i. 186, 287, 291, 443; volume ii. begun, i. 255; Wilkes and the letter H, i. 300; words, big, i. 2l8; written in sickness and sorrow, i. 263, n. 1; iv. 427. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences projected by Goldsmith, ii. 204, n. 2. DIDEROT, Denys, anecdote of Hume, ii. 8, n. 4; on acting, iv. 244, n. 1. DIDO, iv. 196. Dies Irae, iii. 358, n. 3. DIFFICULTIES, raising, iii. 11, n. 1. DIGGS, the actor, i. 386, n. 1. DILLY FAMILY, account of it, iii. 396, n. 2. DILLY, Messrs. Edward and Charles, booksellers, Boswell's Corsica, publish, ii. 46, n. 1; Conversation between George III, &c., ii. 34, n. 1; Life of Johnson, ib.; Chesterfield's Miscellaneous Works, publish, iii. 351; dinners at their house, ii. 247, 338; iii. 65-79, 284-300, 357-8, 392, n. 2; iv. 101-7, ib., n 2, 278, 330; v. 57, n. 3; always gave a good dinner, iii. 285; hospitality to literary men, iii. 65; house, their, No. 22 in the Poultry, iii. 5, 65, n. 2; 'patriotic friends,' their, iii. 66. DILLY, Charles, comparative happiness, on, iii. 288; Johnson, letters from, iii. 394; iv.

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