26-7; roughness in conversation, iv. 280; sends his speech on India to, iv. 260, n, 2; shuns subjects of disagreement in their talk, ii. 181; study of Low Dutch, iv. 22; style, i. 88; at a tavern dinner, meets, i. 470, n. 2; Thames scolding, admires, iv. 26; 'Why, no, Sir,' explains, iv. 316, n. 1; Junius, not, iii. 376; 'kennel, in the,' iv. 276; knowledge, variety of, v. 32, 213; law, intended for the, v. 34; Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, iii. 186; life led over again, on, iv. 303; Literary Club, original member, i. 477; attendance, ii. 16; mentioned by Gibbon, iii. 128, n. 4; name distinguished by an initial, iii. 230, n. 5; playful talk, iii. 238; 'live pleasant,' i. 344; London, describes, iii. 178, n. 1; mankind, thinks better of, iii. 236; Middle Temple, enters at the, v. 34, n. 3; minority, always in the, iii. 235; ministry, on the pretended vigour of the, iv. 140, n. 1; 'mire, in the,' v. 213; Monckton's, Miss, at, iv. 108, n. 4; 'Mund,' ii. 528, n. 1; iii. 84, n. 2; 'mutual friend,' iii. 103, n. 1; Newgate, visits Baretti in, ii. 97, n. 1; Nugent, Dr., his father-in-law, i. 477, n. 4; opponent, as an, ii. 450; 'parcel of boys,' iv. 297, n. 2; parliament: See above, House of Commons; 'party,' defines, ii. 223, n. 1; party, sticking to his, ii. 223; v. 36; Paymaster of the Forces, iv. 223, n. 1; poetry is truth rather than history, ii. 366, n. 1; portrait at Streatham, iv. 158, n. 1; Powell and Bembridge, case of, iv. 223, n. 3; Present Discontents, iii. 205, n. 4; professor in the imaginary college, v. 108; puns, on the Isle of Man, iii. 80; Wilkes, iii. 322; v. 32, n. 3; modus and fines, iii. 323; Deanery of Ferns, iv. 73; Langton, v. 32, n. 3; Boswell's definition of man, ib.; reforms the King's household expenses, iv. 368, n. 3; reputation in public business, ii. 16; retiring, talks of, iv. 223, n. 3; Reynolds's character, draws, i. 245, n. 3; v. 102, n. 3; Reynolds is his echo, ii. 222, n. 4; is too much under him, iii. 261; Robinhood Society, iv. 92, n. 5; Rockingham, advice to, ii. 355, n. 2; Royal Academy, seat reserved for him at the, iii. 369, n. 2; romances, loves old, i. 49, n. 2; Round-Robin, draws up the, iii. 83; should have had more sense, iii. 84, n. 2; same one day as another, iii. 192; v. 33; Shelburne speaks of him with malignity, iv. 191, n. 4; soldiers, on the quartering of, iii. 9, n. 4; son, extravagant estimate of his, iv. 219, n. 3; Speech on Conciliation, ii. 314, n. 3, 317, n. 2; iv. 317, n. 3; speeches too frequent and familiar, ii. 131; effect of them, iii. 233; not like Demosthenes or Cicero, v. 213-4; statues, on the worth of, iii. 231; Stonehenge, sees, iv. 234, n. 2; stream of mind, ii. 450; style censured by Johnson, iii. 186; and Francis, iii. 187, n. 1; Sublime and Beautiful, i. 310, 472, n. 2; ii. 90; subscription to the Articles, on the, ii. 150, n. 7; talk, his: see CONVERSATION; Thurlow, Lord, iv. 349, n. 3; Townshend, Charles, ii. 222, n. 3; translations of Cicero, could not bear, iii. 36, n. 4; understands everything but gaming and music, iv. 27, n. 1; Vesey's gentle manners, praises, iv. 28; Vindication of Natural Society, i. 463, n. 1; Virgil, his ragged Delphin, iii. 193, n. 3; prefers him to Homer, v. 79, n. 2; Whigs, quietness of the nation under the, iv. 100; 'wild Irishmen,' v. 329; Wilkes on his want of taste, iv. 104; winds into a subject like a serpent, ii. 260; wit, fails at, i. 453; iii. 323; iv. 276, n. 2; v. 32, 213; Langton's description of it, i. 453, n. 2; Boswell's defence, v. 32, n. 3; Reynolds's, ib.; mentioned, i. 432, n. 3; ii. 255; iii. 305; iv. 78, 344. BURKE, Richard, senior, Barnard's verses on Johnson, iv. 431-3. BURKE, Richard, junior, (Edmund Burke's son), account of him, iv. 219, n. 3; at Chatsworth, iv. 367; Johnson, calls on, iv. 218-9; rebuked by, 335, n. 3; member of the Literary Club, i. 479. BURKE, William, ii. 16, n. 1; v. 76, n. 3. BURKE, William, the murderer, v. 227, n. 4. BURLAMAQUI, ii. 430. BURLINGTON, Lord, iii. 347; iv. 50, n. 4. Burman, Peter, Life of, i. 153. BURNET, Arthur, v. 81. BURNET, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, dedication to Lauderdale, v. 285; Hickes, George, v. 357, n. 4; History of his own Time, very entertaining, ii. 213; v. 285; Kincardine, Earl of, v. 25, n. 2; Life of Hale, iv. 311; Life of Rochester, iii. 191-2; Lilliburlero, effect of, ii. 347, n. 2; Lloyd's learning in ready cash, ii. 256, n. 3; Popery, controversial war on, v. 276, n. 4; style mere chit-chat, ii. 213; truthfulness, ii. 213, ib. n. 3; Whitby, Daniel, v. 276, n. 4. BURNET, James. See MONBODDO, Lord. BURNET, Thomas, v. 352, n. 2. BURNET, Miss, v. 82, n. 1. BURNEY, Dr. Charles, Account of the Handel Commemoration, iv. 361; Boscovitch, visits, ii. 125, n.

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