I shall lock the door first. If you will not eat, you shall at least drink a cup of Alicant with me.'

'Nay, sir, it is too much honour,' cried Dame Hobson, with a simper. 'I shall go down into the cellars and bring a flask of the best.'

'Nay, by my manhood, you shall not,' said Saxon, springing up from his seat. 'What are all these infernal lazy drawers here for if you are to descend to menial offices?' Handing the widow to a chair he clanked away into the tap-room, where we heard him swearing at the men-servants, and cursing them for a droning set of rascals who had taken advantage of the angelic goodness of their mistress and her incomparable sweetness of temper.

'Here is the wine, fair mistress,' said he, returning presently with a bottle in either hand. 'Let me fill your glass. Ha! it flows clear and yellow like a prime vintage. These rogues can stir their limbs when they find that there is a man to command them.'

'Would that there were ever such,' said the widow meaningly, with a languishing look at our companion. 'Here is to you, sir--and to ye, too, young sirs,' she added, sipping at her wine. 'May there be a speedy end to the insurrection, for I judge, from your gallant equipment, that ye be serving the King.'

'His business takes us to the West,' said Reuben, 'and we have every reason to hope that there will be a speedy end to the insurrection.'

'Aye, aye, though blood will be shed first,' she said, shaking her head. 'They tell me that the rebels are as many as seven thousand, and that they swear to give an' take no quarter, the murderous villains! Alas! how any gentleman can fall to such bloody work when he might have a clean honourable occupation, such as innkeeping or the like, is more than my poor mind can understand. There is a sad difference betwixt the man who lieth on the cold ground, not knowing how long it may be before he is three feet deep in it, and he who passeth his nights upon a warm feather bed, with mayhap a cellar beneath it stocked with even such wines as we are now drinking.' She again looked hard at Saxon as she spoke, while Reuben and I nudged each other beneath the table.

'This business hath doubtless increased your trade, fair mistress,' quoth Saxon.

'Aye, and in the way that payeth best,' said she. 'The few kilderkins of beer which are drunk by the common folk make little difference one way or the other. But now, when we have lieutenants of counties, officers, mayors, and gentry spurring it for very life down the highways, I have sold more of my rare old wines in three days than ever I did before in a calendar month. It is not ale, or strong waters, I promise you, that those gentles drink, but Priniac, Languedoc, Tent, Muscadine, Chiante, and Tokay--never a flask under the half-guinea.'

'So indeed !' quoth Saxon thoughtfully. 'A snug home and a steady income.'

'Would that my poor Peter had lived to share it with me,' said Dame Hobson, laying down her glass, and rubbing her eyes with a corner of her kerchief. 'He was a good man, poor soul, though in very truth and between friends he did at last become as broad and as thick as one of his own puncheons. All well, the heart is the thing! Marry come up! if a woman were ever to wait until her own fancy came her way, there would be more maids than mothers in the land.'

'Prythee, good dame, how runs your own fancy?' asked Reuben mischievously.

'Not in the direction of fat, young man,' she answered smartly, with a merry glance at our plump companion.

'She has hit you there, Reuben,' said I.

'I would have no pert young springald,' she continued, 'but one who hath knowledge of the world, and ripe experience. Tall he should be, and of sinewy build, free of speech that he might lighten the weary hours, and help entertain the gentles when they crack a flagon of wine. Of business habits he must be, too, forsooth, for is there not a busy hostel and two hundred good pounds a year to pass through his fingers? If Jane Hobson is to be led to the altar again it must be by such a man as this.'

Saxon had listened with much attention to the widow's words, and had just opened his mouth to make some reply to her when a clattering and bustle outside announced the arrival of some traveller.

Micah Clarke Page 63

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